She is the grulla type buckskin, big with incredibly long legs so I gave her the name Gacela (gasell). I call her 'Ella' which means 'her'. Let's hope we will see her run on the fields using those legs next to her brother Fiero.
Day 1; I arrived home at 6am in the morning and at 10am I got first update that she was still here and not worse. She is now in the best hands and her situation is alittle more stable as she has no infections and seem to respond to the treatment. She is always with one person by her side and I was sent picture and told that she is able to hold herself up lying at times. And with the help of the people supporting her she could actually get up and maintain herself standing alittle. These are very good news but she needs time and there is alot of develoment still necessary for her recovery.
Day 2; Gacela managed to stand up with support and I visited in the evening she stood up and we helped her trying to nurse, she tried but didn't manage to take the nipple. Very emotional and lovely just to see her stand up and see her wanting and fighting. She wants to live.
Day 3; Today mummy Pica did not want to let Ella nurse. So I brought her own food and carrots and went hospital. Did some mami-therapy and took her outside to graze and feel the sun. She did not call for her baby and was angry when she tried to nurse. I told her off and that kicking the baby was stricty forbidden. She listened to corrections and let the baby practice some nursing after this, she needed a leader to tell her to cooperate. She also got a treatment to feel more motherly. Gacela does not know how to suckle when she has something in her mouth but she has the reflex so I gave her to play with milkbottle and some milk on a tray. She seem to be able to suckle what is on the tray but this is not enough to feed herself. She fell asleep on my lap and it was a lovely moment and relax after efforts and being in the present.
Day 4; She has been outside in the sun and Ella able to support herself alittle more standing!
I spent all day with the bottle to help her learn how to coordinate the tongue and suckle, she practised standing, she did get it at times but not really able to swollow and eat. Mami much better with milk production and attitude, she was alittle anxious when I took her for a walk, but she got angry when baby came towards the udder and kicked, she was ok with nurses milking her.
Day 5; Oxygen temporarily removed and she was able to go for a walk in paddock with mummy in the sunshine! She still cannot get up by herself nor eat but she is improving little by little. Mami has a better attitude today.
Day 6; Oxygen removed. She got excited and trotted alittle on her way out! We stayed in paddock, she fell once and we hepled her up. Had a meal, practised nursing but was not able to take the nipple. I laid her down when she got tired as she cannot lie down herself. On the way in she fell once. I stayed to practice eating from the bottle but she was very tired now when no oxygen so she slept alot. Have to get her to eat by herself somehow, very worried about this.
Day 7; Put her back on oxygen as this helps her, started teaching her how to eat from bowl as mother is producing less and less milk. She was able to eat from the bowl and had various meals and was able to eat 200ml herself. She needs 10 liters/ day.